What if we could get all the dusty guitars and keyboards in the basements of America into the hands of children in orphanages across the globe and breath life into their imagination? What could happen? The writer David in Psalms said that hope deferred makes the heart sick. The absence of hope is what drives generation after generation into tailspins of survival and ultimately desensitizes them to the thought of their future being different than what is currently known. Creativity and the imagination being cultivated at a young age allows our mind to begin the foundation building of what it takes to have hope and generally think bigger. If third world nations are going to see change, it's going to be because a generation of leaders were raised up to think differently. To think their life and even greater, their nations CAN be different...
Creativity expressed is the right we all have to say that our world can be bigger, brighter, smaller or louder than what we currently see. It's taking the invisible realm and making it visible. This is the basis for all their greatest dreams. To see dreams realized, it's going to take able bodied people to draw it out of them. They've never seen dreams come true. It's time for that to change... You and FRAME are going to help.
Spurring creativity in a young generation could be the tipping point for the revolutions these nations are looking for. With technology and creative exposure at a minimum, FRAME will be a channel of hope thru these realms. Exposing children to creative experiences that let their imaginations soar. Partnering with private education institutions, orphanages and churches already established, FRAME will empower them with the resources to train and empower youth in all things creative. Music, Media and the arts as a whole will be our vehicle.
There will be many needs communicated soon that will bring great support to this global effort of empowered and creative thinking. We will need educators, musicians, all sorts of technology, finances and pure volunteer muscle on many levels. Please email me with interest.
By faith we understand that the worlds were FRAMED by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. - Hebrews 11:3
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