It's interesting times in the world. I believe a global revolution is on our doorstep and it's important for us to recognize that we all have a role within shaping this time like never before. As Melissa and I take these exciting steps forward, we are finding that we have so much to offer and have had to make the decision of how we will respond in this remarkable time. Our ability is birthed simply out of the blessing of being an American full of faith toward God. Our willingness is where our choice lies. We are able and we've humbly yet confidently decided to be willing. Its scary and awesome at the same time. What a paradox to live in!
We appreciate you consideration of support. Whether you offer your talents, your finances, your time, your prayer, or greatest - your unconditional love... it all is being used to support this season of birthing great things that will have a global impact. The dreams of those oppressed come to pass when we unite to make a difference. Thank you for your support and thank you for making a difference in the lives of the next generation. As we give, hope will be encountered around the world like never before.
In Love,
Drew and Melissa Neal