I took another trip to follow up on what I had experienced and felt inspired by my first trip to Haiti. This trip was significant to begin to birth what has now become The Frame Project.
Pastor Gerald Bataille and Myself |
Well it's been a good couple weeks being home and seeing the continued layers of God's unfailing plan come together. I recently spent a week in Haiti, and I'd love to share some of the highlights of the trip as well as some back story as to the friendships that I have there.
The intent of the trip was three fold. First of all, we love our Haitian family- The Bataille's. They are all so near and dear to our heart. We love just spending time with them and supporting them in the endeavors that God has placed in their hearts, which is leading culturally and spiritually in the midst of what is many years and generations of brokenness. (Let's remember that Haiti was in need before the earthquake. The earthquake has just been a reminder to the world that their need still exists.) The Bataille's and Pastor Gerald more specifically, have been meeting the needs of Haiti formally for over 40 years. It's phenomenal to witness the example they are of life in the midst of so much poverty, mourning and mass chaos.
Junior and Joycelyn Bataille, Myself |
Some back story: We met
Pastor Gerald Bataille and his family in the late 80's. My parents were pastoring in KY at the time and after meeting Pastor Gerald through Dr. Nicholas Driever from Cincinnatti, OH, our hearts immediately connected. Pastor Gerald's influence and favor with many people was growing so rapidly in Port-Au-Prince, that the current dictator oriented government felt that he and his church were a threat to their sovereignty, (Any government established through force is always looking for those who would do the same to them) so after a few months of his seven children and his wife Keke, separating and living on the move at different safe locations for two days at a time, he decided to move them to the states. There is a great and powerful story of God getting them miraculously through security with the favor of an employee at the airport they had never met before. Long story short, they arrived in KY and we graciously accepted the chance to keep some of the children with us till the family was found a home of their own. My parents were constantly giving myself and my siblings as children the chance to see the giving love of God in action. This was one of those examples. Little did we know, that the Bataille family would impact us greater than what we could ever give. Their heart, strength and belief in the faithfulness of God in the midst of their distress would impact us for the rest of our lives.
(main church in Port-Au-Prince)

Now 20+ years later, with Pastor Gerald not being able to leave the country, he has only recently been able to reunite with his children who spent the rest of their upbringing without him in their lives in the states. Even while being separated from his family and suffering the tragic loss of his wife to a car accident in the states, he did not waver from following after the things in his heart for Haiti. God has used him tremendously to be a voice to people who are hurting and literally needing miracles on a regular basis to survive. While obviously being a spiritual guide to many, his message of hope and direction has been focused on empowering the Haitian people to pursue their dreams and being willing to follow through on every detail of life no matter the resistance. Whether in business, agriculture, education, or even government realms, Pastor Gerald's influence has been lifted to places of great inspiration. He is a present example of believe that a new breed of Haitians are rising. A new people who will not be oppressed and not held back whatever and wherever their lives lead them. God's principles always work and living the gospel message should take us to levels of influence in all realms. Pastor Gerald's life is this and he compels others to believe in the same life.
Rose Bataille (center) with kids |
You can't walk away from a conversation with this man about his journey and not feel like with God, you're invincible. :) it's truly inspiring. From having numerous failed assassinations (these undercover military men have handed over their guns while weeping and asking for Gerald to lead them to the God that he serves as they had come to services and said some force wouldn't let them draw their guns) against his life, to the resurrection of his dead son, he has seen God do the unthinkable! So considering the nature of man he is and family they are, its amazing to just spend time while visiting there and soak in that faith forward lifestyle and be inspired.

Secondly, my trip to Haiti was rallied around being able to meet some immediate needs within Pastor Gerald's numerous efforts in place to give to the people. He has been apart of planting nearly 30 efforts inclusive of churches, schools and orphanages. Creekside Ministries (my parent's church in Indy), myself, as well as a few others, all raised money to purchase and deliver new mattresses to one of the orphanages. According to American culture, their sleeping conditions were outrageous and it was amazing to see their faces light up as they began to see the mattresses unload and be placed in their room. They were going to have the most comfortable sleeping arrangement they had ever known. Not foam, not rolled up blankets, not the floor and nothing make shift. A real mattress. It's amazing how the simplest thing can be so powerful. What a blessed nation we are that a majority of us will never know a life that doesn't include a bed to sleep on. We were also able to help provide finances towards the completion of their kitchen that was being developed. Their current kitchen was the ground outside in cooperation with an open fire. Not the most ideal when cooking for dozens of children everyday. It was a couple of extraordinary days spent with kids that will change the way you look at life... forever.

While there, our time overlapped with another team from TEXAS that was partnering with the foundation. Apparently everything in TEXAS is bigger, thus the all caps. :) Their organization represented is called
R U 4 Children. Great org, even greater people. It was pleasure meeting Michael, Philip, Meagan, Gina and Jenna! Of their numerous efforts while there, one of them was overseeing the digging of a fresh water well for one of Gerald Bataille Foundation's orphanages. We had a blast connecting and serving together. Texas is in my crosshairs. We'll see if 2011 allows for it.

Thirdly, this trip was all about gaining heart for the need that makes the most sense to fill and not just be repetition of what is currently in place. As this time of transition has been in place, Melissa and I have been allowing it to be defined one step at a time. So we've been asking the question of whether we're to get involved or just let the nature of this Haiti connection be a couple of occasional trips and continued support to the Bataille family. As a result it seems that there is more. Once again it's a slow process and thoughts are being developed of what that looks like, but I'm very excited to see what could be. In my two trips in the last four months, I've recognized the lack of hope that is engrained in their DNA passed from generation to generation. Within that thought, I've come to realize that the foundation of creativity is hope, so where there is no hope there is no place for the mind to imagine or express what could be bigger, brighter, softer or louder than the world they currently know. With music being something that I love and have personally found a powerful connection with, I know the great things that happen within music. You can get swept away to a whole new world by a great song or even experiencing the feeling of creating music that communicates something from your heart that no other outlet would allow. Those who think in creative terms have to have this outlet or life just seems incomplete. My conversations with Pastor Gerald are surrounded with thoughts about music education in his private schools, classes for adults at the churches and the possibility of sponsoring gatherings that teach song writing and creative expression as a whole. Wouldn't it be cool to get all the dusty guitars and keyboards in America into the hands of children across Haiti and breath life into their creative minds and see new hope in a generation be birthed? The orphanages are filled with children who are willing to be molded into whatever influence comes into their life. Music could be an amazing bridge to their future.
All in all, I just want to share of the life that was just handed to me because of the country I was born in. Significance is waiting to be encountered... and it lies waiting for all of us. Will we just live our lives for our own good or will we surrender to a greater cause that produces something that will mark the generation after us?
I'll be communicating soon about how you can continue to be apart. March should bring my next visit.